Our Story
About Us

Our Story
Foxes Have Holes International was organized in 2018 and established in January 2020 for the purpose in sharing the everlasting gospel. We provide food, clothing, basic-necessities, and a “How To” educational message to help better their lives; and many of our successful outreaches has been through door-to-door Literature Evangelism, Bible Studies, and Health Messages. We also provide renovations and construction services for other Christian organizations that lack funds to help facilitate their own ministry. We believe the hour of Christ’s soon return is upon us and we must be found working for his kingdom while it is day.
Our Mission
We are a traveling humanitarian organization that demonstrates the love and compassion that Jesus Christ showed during His ministry. We work to help others reach a standard of better living for themselves through biblical principles. We provide help to those who have been affected by natural disasters and other unexpected misfortunes by providing spiritual guidance, outreach ministry, education, resources, on-site relief and fundraising.